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Do Chiropractors Diagnose?

Do Chiropractors Diagnose?

While conducting chiropractic training, we are taught the ability to provide a specific diagnosis, specifically for problems pertaining to neuro-musculoskeletal conditions.

For lower back painmid back painneck pain, and spinal pain, there are various diagnoses. Additionally, it is widespread for a patient to suffer from more than one condition simultaneously.

At Dublin Chiropractic, we are capable of medical diagnosis, also known as general diagnosis, which means our ability to recognize underlying medical pathology.

Do Chiropractors Diagnose Injury’s?

When you visit our clinic, the main goal of the chiropractors is to figure out the issue and make a diagnosis.

The diagnosis is necessary as it is used to determine what needs to be addressed and the type of treatment to be followed. One of the critical roles of a chiropractor is to detect pain-producing structure(s). This provides direction to proper treatment for pain relief and hence encourage and stimulate effective and quick healing.


For more information about our Chiropractic Care or to book your consultation, call us at (01) 254 4800 or visit our contact page.


The Differential Diagnosis

During the process of diagnosis, it is crucial and essential to make a differential diagnosis.

A differential diagnosis refers to making a list of all possible causes of the symptoms and applying the tests and examinations to conclude regarding the reason for the symptom(s). During this process, the medical history, gender and age of the patient is also considered, and possible conditions are ranked accordingly.

Choosing from a whole group of possible causes can be a tough job and lengthy task. However, it is part of the process to guarantee that the chiropractor has taken into consideration all potential causes.

Using differnetial diagnosis to evaluate and diagnose a condition is the most accurate and useful as it is used in medicine as well. This is the most recommended method of diagnoses to evaluate any patient.

It is not enough to ask the patient regarding the areas affected by the pain and to ask them to bend up and down and/or touch toes.

Back Pain

There exists multiple diagnoses for lower back pain, mid back pain, neck pain, and spinal pain. Moreover, it is a prevalent phenomenon for a patient to suffer from more than one condition at a time.

A list of the most common back conditions that come across in chiropractic practice includes Modic Changes, Piriformis Syndrome, Lateral Dynamic Stenosis, Central Stenosis, Disc Herniation (Slipped Disc), Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome, and Facet Joint Syndrome.

A syndrome is a term that defines a collection of various symptoms related to the injury of sacroiliac or facet joints. This includes referred pain and muscle spasm. Area of the referred pain and the muscle involved is differing in every case.

Lower back pain is also an indication of serious illnesses. Some of the rare causes of lower back pain are problems such as abdominal pathology, infections, and cancer. Fortunately, such complications are only seen and experienced in less than 1% of the overall patients. Yet, early diagnosis is always better and appropriate for better treatment.


The Effect of The Chiropractic Adjustment

Our Treatment Does Not Only Involve Chiropractic Adjustments.

The principal method of chiropractic treatment is joint manipulation or adjustments. Yet, we are trained in various other techniques. This allows us to refer a more suitable treatment method and plan for you, making the treatment more effective and safe for all ages.

Information within this section reflects the importance of adjustments or manipulation to treat nerve, joint, and muscle problems.

Do Not Feel Disappointed If Your Spine Is ‘Out Of Place’!

Daniel D. Palmer, the founder of Chiropractic, wrote regarding his very first chiropractic adjustment, “I replaced the displaced fourth dorsal vertebra by one move”. He also described the maneuver on the vertebra. He stated, “I racked it into position by using the spinous process as a lever”.

His arguments suggested that this adjustment was not haphazard. Palmer’s adjustment aims at a specific and precise manner of moving a vertebra back into alignment. It relies on putting pressure directly on the vertebra.

Historically, during the early stages of Chiropractic, it was believed that displaced spinal bones caused immense pressure on the nervous, allowing pain and disease to other parts and organs of the body connected by the nerves. It was believed that natural aspects led to bones moving out of place. Likewise, adjustments caused a cracking sound as if it was pressured back into position.

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    (01) 254 4800
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    **As a service to our readers, Dublin Chiropractic provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date of the last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinicians.