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Physio Explains: Tips For Preventing Sports Injuries

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Let’s Be Proactive In Injury Prevention

Sports injuries are common and can be hard to recover from. The physiotherapist in Dublin wants to help you prevent them – find out how!

Did you know that over one billion people worldwide participate in some form of sport? With so many people playing sports, it’s no wonder that there are so many sports injuries.

Sports physiotherapy is a specialty that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of these types of injuries. If you’re an athlete or someone who participates in regular exercise, take note: there are plenty of ways to avoid getting injured during your next workout session or game!

woman with sports injuries

How To Prevent Sports Injuries

There are many risk factors that increase the likelihood of injury. Our physiotherapists believe that it is important to be aware of them. The following are some factors that you can control:

  • Frequency.
  • Duration.
  • Form.
  • Inadquent Recovery Time.
  • Not listening to your body.
  • Too Much, Too Soon.
  • Strength/Capacity.
  • Warm-up And Cool-Down.

Many of the clients I see in practice with sports injuries – have one of two primary drivers or causes linked to your injury. Either it was something out of their control, for example, they were hit by an opponent and twisted their knee, or it was something that was in their control. For example, they wanted to keep going even though their body was telling them to slow down and the competitive nature of the game got the better of them – and now they are paying the cost. That’s okay – sports injuries can be rehabilitated – although it takes time and hard work. But we will get you there.


Simply training too much puts you at a high risk of injury. You need to find a balance between fight and flight, and rest and digest. Because sports can be stressful on the body if you play too hard, too much.

If you play a sport and equally find time to rest and recover you will feel the benefits, like an increase in strength and endurance, you will have more energy, your mood and concentration will even improve. To achieve gains in strength and overall performance you need to train effectively, but you also need rest days or days in ‘active recovery’.

people running sports injuries

The frequency of exercise or sports should be dependent on the kind of training or the intensity of the training. High-intensity training 6-7 days a week will lead to breakdown and injury. But if you mix in mobility exercises and low-intensity exercise two days a week, that will be very beneficial – and promote the benefits from the high-intensity exercise.


When you are training, the duration of your workouts can be just as important as its frequency.

Training for too long is another way to increase your risk of injury. Try not to overdo it on either activity or rest – do what feels right and listen closely to your body’s cues that tell you when you need more time to recover.


When you’re practicing your sport, it’s important to always train with good form – which means doing the movement correctly every time. If you are not training properly, or if your body is fatigued, this can put a strain on other parts of the body and increase the risk of injury.

If you make a conscious effort to train with good form, it will also help you identify any imbalances in your body and allow for improvements when needed – which can prevent injury.

Inadquent Recovery Time

The physiotherapists at Dublin Physio & Chiropractic recommend that active recovery activities, like a light walk or a bike ride, should be done on rest days or after training sessions. So this is not another workout, but something to improve circulation and help flush out lactic acid which builds up during strenuous exercise. It also helps with the removal of waste products from working muscles – allowing them to rebuild for your next training session or game.

This is usually done at a low intensity so it does not induce a stress response but instead allows your body to recuperate, rebuild and adapt.

person resting on a rock sports injuires

Not Listening To Your Body

Often when you are training for an event or playing a competitive sport it is easy to push through the pain barrier. However, physiotherapists believe that this can be dangerous if done repeatedly over a long period of time.

When you are not listening to your body, it means that you may be overloading injured areas or simply ignoring symptoms – which can lead to a serious injury down the line if adequate rehabilitation is not undertaken. By staying within our limits physiotherapists encourage clients to focus on their bodies and understand what they need in order to be in the best shape for training or competition.

Mobility Exercises

No one likes stretching, but physiotherapists know that it is beneficial before and after a workout – no matter what your age. If you are not doing any mobility work then this can lead to increased stiffness when working out which means a greater risk of injury.

Stretching is essential for preventing injuries because it increases blood flow to muscles and joints, lubricates the body with synovial fluid which reduces wear on tendons and ligaments – allowing you to train more effectively without increasing your risk of an injury.

man stretching

Regular stretching also helps prevent adhesions or scar tissue build-up in a muscle.

Physiotherapists recommend that you do mobility exercises 4-5 times per week and after each workout.

Warm-up And Cool-Down

It is important to always warm-up and cool down before and after a workout.

A physiotherapist will advise you on how best to prepare for each activity or sport – but physiotherapy in Dublin recommends that stretching, walking and mobility work are essential components of any good warm-up routine. This not only helps increase your heart rate but prepares the body for strenuous activity or sport.

An adequate cooldown is also imperative to physiotherapy in Dublin because it helps return your heart rate and blood pressure back to normal levels – without doing this you can increase stress on joints which means a greater risk of injury next time you train.

Warming up before exercise is vital, physiotherapists in Dublin recommend that you do a range of dynamic exercises to raise your heart rate and then follow this with some light stretches. This ensures that the muscles are warm, flexible, and prepared for exercise – which means less chance of injury during play or training.


Thank you for reading this blog about sports injuries, I hope you found it helpful and now have a few ways to prevent sports injuries and improve your performance.


[1] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31465458/

[2] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20942507/

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    by | Nov 18, 2021 | Wellness

    <a href="http://dublin-chiropractic.com" target="_blank">Kate Ryan Physio</a>

    Kate Ryan Physio


    My goal is to help people get out and stay out of pain. With 30 years of spinal healthcare experience as a chiropractor, I learned the value of living pain free for a happy and healthy life. I have a Chiropractic Degree from Life Chiropractic College West and am NBCE Physiotherapy certified.
    **As a service to our readers, Dublin Physio & Chiropractic provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date of the last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinicians.